The software you are about to install is time-limited and will expire end September 1997...
Freeway 1.0b5 comes with a Getting Started tutorial, created entirely within Freeway and exported as HTML. To use the tutorial, open the file "Starthere.html" in your web browser and click "Start" to begin.
This is beta software. This means it's not finished yet.
Most of the functionality should do mostly what it should most of the time, but your mileage may vary...
Softpress Systems can't accept liability for any loss resulting from the use or misuse of this software.
It may crash unexpectedly, or certain functions may not perform as expected. Save often. Test thoroughly that it does what you expect before you put this software on the critical path of your business. Don't keep unique information in a Freeway file, just in case.
We don't expect this product to bite you - if it does, let us know and we'll fix it and help you get the result you want. Follow the advice above and have fun with it...
The system requirements to run Freeway include the following
Apple Macintosh or MacOS compatible computer
68040 or PowerPC Processor
RAM Requirements:
68040 - 5MB free RAM
PowerPC - 9MB free RAM
Computer Video:
Minimum - 640x480, 256 Colors
Recommended - 1024x768, 32,000 Colors or more, Multiscan monitor
System 7.5.1 or later
Apple GX Graphics (supplied)
Apple ColorSync 2.0 or later
SoftPress Type 1 Works (supplied)
Adobe Type Manager 3.8.3 or later
You will also require one or more of the following Web Browsers in order to view the pages you make with Freeway:
Netscape Navigator 2.0
Netscape Navigator 3.0
Netscape Communicator 4.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
or, another web browser which supports tables, and, ideally, supports HTML3.2
In order to get started with Freeway, run the installer, choosing Easy Install, and restart.
You must ensure that ColorSync 2.0 is installed and active - this comes in three parts
ColorSync™ (Extensions Folder)
ColorSync™ System Profile (Control Panels Folder)
ColorSync™ Profiles (Preferences Folder)
You must have Adobe Type Manager 3.8.3 or later in order to use Type 1 Postcript fonts with Freeway.
If you have any problems getting hold of any of the above software, check the support pages on or contact SoftPress Technical Support.
• Adobe Type Manager
In order to gain access to your Type 1 PostScript fonts from within Freeway, you must have version 3.8.3 or later of Adobe Type Manager installed, as well as the SoftPress Type 1 Works extension. Without this extension, Freeway will not be able to use Type 1 fonts.
Alternatively, if you have version 4.0.2 or later of Adobe Type Manager, this will not require the SoftPress Type 1 Works extension.
• Adobe Type Reunion
Adobe Type Reunion is not compatible with Freeway, and must be disabled while running Freeway.
• Adobe Acrobat
After restarting your machine with GX Graphics loaded, you may find an error message on startup if you have Adobe Acrobat installed, "The installed substitution fonts are designed for use with Standard QuickDraw. Please remove them and install the QuickDraw GX versions."
Adobe Acrobat installs a different set of substitution fonts, depending on whether it detects QuickDraw GX or GX Graphics is installed. If it is installed without GX being present, and either QuickDraw GX or GX Graphics is subsequently installed or made active, this will cause Adobe Acrobat a problem, and it will fail to operate until either GX is deactivated, or you reinstall the Adobe Acrobat application.
• Apple Desktop Printing
If Apple Desktop Printing is installed when you start your machine with GX Graphics loaded, you may see a warning message "QuickDraw GX will not be active because it's printing system is not installed - OK", and your desktop printer icons will be crossed out on the desktop. This happens with version 1.0.3 of Desktop Printing, which is not compatible with the GX Graphics extension.
To resolve the problem, either restart without the Desktop Printing extensions listed below, or upgrade to Apple Desktop Printing 2.0.1 or later, which resolves the conflict.
The following components of Desktop Printing 1.0.3 are located in your Extensions folder.
Desktop Printer Extension
Desktop Printer Spooler
Desktop PrintMonitor
If you are unsure of which version you have installed, locate one of the above items in your extensions folder and do Get Info from the File menu in Finder. If the version stated is less than 2.0.1, you need to upgrade.
• Now Super Boomerang
Now Super Boomerang will cause Freeway to crash unexpectedly - if you use this, please restart without it when you wish to run Freeway. This conflict will be resolved in the next Beta version.
If you have any questions or comments please contact SoftPress Technical Support